what should i do after wake up in the morning

10 Easy Things to Do After Waking Up to Start Your Mornings Happy

1. Drink a glass of water.

Simplest of to-do’s, but most overlooked. Drinking a glass or two of water in the mornings (after you’ve brushed your teeth) helps kick-start metabolism, flush out toxins, and hydrate the body. Treat it as an investment in your health.

2. Stretch your body.

Your body acts like it wants more sleep, just the way you do. Stretching can wake those muscles up, get the blood flowing to all parts, and send a signal to your body to wake up and get ready for the day. You can couple stretching with exercise or yoga if you have such a routine in place or plan to start one. If you don’t, stretching should be enough.

3. Soak up the sun.

You’ve spent the entire night (including perhaps late evening) inside the house and under artificial lights. Head outdoors in the morning to experience the warmth of the sun on your body. Your eyes will light up, your skin will glow, and you’ll feel like you’re on top of the world.

4. Turn on your morning playlist.

A morning playlist or just a selection of your favorite songs can lift your spirits in no time and leave you calm and relaxed for the day. If you don’t have a playlist, create one. And if that’s a hassle, pick out your favorites and play them every morning.

5. Write a short note in your journal.

Make an entry in your journal every morning. (Get a journal right now if you don’t have one.) It can be a simple “I hate waking up in the mornings…” or a pretentious “We’re a byproduct of stars.” Whatever floats your boat. This exercise is only meant to expel persisting thoughts and open our minds up to new and exciting possibilities.

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6. Eat something.

Eating a morning meal will help you shake that sluggishness off, and leave you feeling fresh and energetic.

A note of advice: don’t reach for that packet of wafers in the morning. Eating healthy will set the tone for your eating habits for the rest of the day.

7. Spend 10 minutes relaxing or meditating.

Mornings can be a period of the manic rush. Refuse to get sucked into it. Sit someplace cozy for 10 minutes and either just relax or meditate. It will help stabilize your mind and equip you to fight any stress that may be coming your way that day.

8. Read.

What you read in the morning can influence your day drastically. If you want to be inspired, read inspirational essays or books. If you want to feel happy, read essays or books on happiness. Read whatever you like — it’s a great way to get your mind thinking and the heart feeling.

9. Write down your tasks for the day.

Whether you do this at home or at work doesn’t matter, but writing down the tasks for the day is crucial. It helps you be more productive, more efficient, and more conscious about what you’re going to achieve in the day.

10. Keep your conversations positive.

Have positive conversations in the morning to start the day on a positive note. A heated argument or fight early in the day can cause your day to crash land and never recover for the day.

Bonus: Look your best.

You don’t have to wear what the Parisian models are wearing to look your best each morning. Just wear appropriate, well-fitting clothes and maybe style it up a little with an accessory or interesting color choices. Make do with what you have, and make small additions from time to time. You’ll automatically feel confident, and that will show throughout the day.

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