One way you could use Pinterest to promote your online store is through Influencer Marketing. If the goal is to increase brand awareness, attract potential customers, communicate marketing offers and boost conversion, what better way to promote your store than by having popular Pinterest influencers share your products with their massive networks? How does it…
इस साल के कुछ बेस्ट गैजेट्स आपके लिए खास होंग
1. निनटेंडो स्विच – निनटेंडो स्विच गेमिंग कंसोल को 2017 में बहुत पसंद किया गया। टीवी स्क्रीन्स पर गेम्स गैजेट्स का मजा लेने के साथ इस कंसोल की मदद से आप घर के बाहर भी गेमिंग का आनंद ले सकते हैं। कंसोल पर नए गेम्स के साथ कई लोकप्रिय गेम्स उपलब्ध हैं। इसी क्रम में कंपनी द्वारा सुपर मारियो ओडिसी…
पढ़ाई में ड्रॉप आउट होने का मतलब कामयाबी में ड्राप आउट नहीं होता
केरल के पलक्कड के के. राजीव के परिवार की उम्मीद तब बहुत बढ़ गई जब वे ख्यात मद्रास मेडिकल कॉलेज पढ़ाई के 17 वर्षीय महत्वाकांक्षी मेडिकल छात्र के रूप में 1997 में चेन्नई रवाना हुए। मेडिकल जगत के लिए उनकी प्रेरणा न तो उनके माता-पिता और न कोई डॉक्टर थे बल्कि दादी थीं, जो प्राय: लोगों को घरेलू उपचार…
Suggest you for good tutorial website for React.js and React Native?
1st one Answer:- If you are reading these lines, chances are you will fall into one of two categories: You are a React Native developer, looking for a fast list of resources to send to that new colleague you have to introduce to the framework You are the guy who received the link, and…
What would be your preferred technology stack, if you were to build a new project?
Some Good answer Well, this is the kind of generic questions, which put you in bad mood! Still, I would like to give you an answer. It depends! It depends on a lot of factors. Size of the team, Complexity, cost involved and a lot more which vary based on the company! For example, for…
How to Win When There is No Difference…and it’s NOT Price
Source:- Linkedin Just about everyone you’re selling to is already doing their job without the services or products you’re selling. And, unfortunately, every one of your competitors is also saying the same thing you are; “we deliver unique value blah, blah, blah”. Even worse, it’s probably true. Unless you have invented something that is not…
Good advice quotes for professional
BATCH OR GROUP LIKE TASKS Batch or groups like tasks for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Different activities engage different parts of the brain and switching back and forth between activities wastes time. A University of Michigan study found that when you “task switch” your brain may take 50% or more additional time to perform each…