Introduction Taking a loan and investing wisely can be a powerful strategy to build wealth, achieve your financial goals, and secure your future. However, it’s essential to approach this strategy with careful planning and a solid understanding of the risks involved. In this article, we’ll discuss how to take a loan and invest in a…
रिच डैड पुअर डैड Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Summary Hindi | Robert Kiyosaki
रॉबर्ट कियोसाकी के दो पिता थे। एक पिता वे अपने वास्तविक पिता कहलाते थे, जिन्हें वे “पूर डैड” कहते थे। दूसरे पिता उनके मित्र के पिता थे, जिन्हें वे “रिच डैड” कहते थे। दोनों पिताजी अपने करियर में सफल थे। पूर डैड बहुत पढ़े-लिखे और बुद्धिमान थे, उन्होंने एक PHD भी प्राप्त की थी, लेकिन…
Rich Dad Poor Dad: A Path to Financial Wisdom and Independence – Book Summary
In Robert Kiyosaki’s groundbreaking book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” readers are taken on a transformative journey into the world of personal finance. With a narrative centered around the contrasting teachings of his real dad (poor dad) and his friend’s dad (rich dad), Kiyosaki challenges conventional beliefs about money and wealth. Through a series of invaluable…